Collages & Institution

Our Services

  • Admission support
  • Training support
  • Placement support
  • Admission support

    We will help colleges to get admissions for this academic year

    Training Support

    1.For Arts & Science Colleges

    At the end of 4th semester we are giving soft skills training, spoken English training, software technologies training and placement training.

    2.For Engineering colleges

    6-Th Semester

    End of the 6th sem we provide soft skills and spoken English Training for college students

    7-Th Semester

    End of the 7th sem we provide software technology Training ( we will have specific courses like java, python, low code, etc.. they can choose as per their interest)

    8-Th Semester

    During 8th sem we provide placement training with interview cracking Guidance to the college students

    Placement Support

    Process 01

    We are providing placement support for all final year students.

    Process 02

    We will arrange campus drives to place the students.

    Process 03

    Unplaced candidates in campus drive can be placed by our separate placement support.

    Recruitment Services

    We are also providing staffs to colleges

  • Support staffs
  • Professors
  • Assistant professors
  • Lab Technicians